danza margine



“When I touch this thin strip of film (this tiny yet vast stage!) , I often think of it as a musical score, even without recalling Walter Pater’s well-known phrase.*” (from the afterword)
*”All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music”
danza margine
danza margine
danza margine
造本:Atelier空中線 | 英訳:諸井優美
2011.11.25発行 | 限定300部、記番入
A5変形判、表紙スミ箔押 | 本文24頁オフセット1色刷、糸綴変形上製本 | 帯オフセット1色刷

book design: Atelier Kuchusen | English translation: Yumi Moroi
2011.11.25 | edition 300, numbered
204 × 92 × 80 mm, thread sewn book with book band | [24] p., monochrome, offset-printed

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